Come to find out, his older brother had"an arrangement" with said homegirl. Ok, nothing scandalous. But then he shows me the picture that his brother had sent to him of the homegirl butt-ball nekkid. After seeing her in tight fitting clothing and chilling in her dorm room, it was good to know that my imagination was not far off at all.
Two years pass and said homegirl graduates, moves back home, keeps messing with my guy's brother, and then becomes engaged to a different man.
Yeah, so although Facebook cannot be used as a primary source, it does keep you abreast on the life happenings of other folks. At the very minimum, I could tell that she was in a very serious relationship with the random guy that is not related to my friend.
Some time later, I finally meet my guy's older brother. Same dude that was messing with the homegirl. The same homegirl that is supposedly engaged to another guy. I ask him flat out if he knew her or who she was. He did not deny knowing her. I press further and he admits to having "an arrangement" with her. He goes even further to show me a couple more pictures of her that one day will find themselves on the HomegrownFreaks.com website when I log on.
No, I did not ask him to send those to me....
(I should have though!)
Now, the good news of this story is that I had a job interview out of town last week. Where I went, I was able to link up with my guy and another one of our friends. Time was at a premium, so we went to a local burger joint to eat and talk shit before I had to hit the road back home. As we were finishing up our meal, our mutual friend ran into an old friend that he knew from his days in high school.
It was a quick exchange since the other guy was just passing by and headed to more pressing matters, I'm sure. As soon as the guy was out of earshot, we ask out friend who that was. Our friend goes on to tell us where dude went to college and that he had just got married. Our friend went on about how cool the dude was and how they both are members of a community/social board that had just finished a major event for them. Our friend was about to switch subjects when he remembered that the bride of his cohort had also went to our school.
Due to the string of weddings that have been occuring since 2008, I really didn't think too much of it or press the matter of the bride's identity any further. But my guy did.....
The bride was she of the "arrangement" with his older brother and the infamous pictures.
Twas a good thing we had already paid our tab and left promptly just in case dude had came back within earshot!
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