Shooting the shit like I did at the BCC from those couches

Thursday, March 30, 2006

How I Spent my Spring Break '06

In jail!!!!

This goes down as the worst Spring Break ever. It can't get no lower. I have to end this right here. I need to get into the workforce NOW just so I don't have the opportunity to have similar experiences with this Spring Break business. Except for NSBE conferences, most of my Spring Breaks have been *meh...* or *Blegh...*

There has never been a Florida or Texas for me during Spring Break. Shit, Biggie died during my first one! That should have been a sign right there that NGCCOT(No Good Can Come Of This)!!! I feel rotten. Bad. Horrible.

Jail is not the place for me. I do not have the mental fortitude to survive that place. And I was only there overnight. Now, I REALLY want classes to start back up!!!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Spring Break has now started

My mind needs a tonic!!!!(c) Black Sheep

More like a good rum mixed with some cola. I'm glad that the break has started. I need to clear my mind.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

John Henrik Clarke

He was a force not to be reckoned with. I've been catching this documentary about his life on cable recently. It was produced by Wesley Snipes back in 1996(Clarke died in 1998) which is surprising. I guess this was before he got caught up fucking crack hoes in Gary, Indiana.

As with previously mentioned things, Clarke's interview/narration throughout the doc was informing and left me with some particular ideologies that I need to write down.