Shooting the shit like I did at the BCC from those couches

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

In memory of Mrs. Rosa Parks

“I am leaving this legacy to all of you ... to bring peace, justice, equality, love and a fulfillment of what our lives should be. Without vision, the people will perish, and without courage and inspiration, dreams will die — the dream of freedom and peace.”
-Rosa Parks

So said Mrs. Rosa parks some time ago. As we get older, as some of us have already felt, we are beginning to question the younger ones in regards to their aspirations and what inspires them. How is that after all that has been done and achieved can such progressive actions(regardless of whether said judges of inspiration are qualified to do so) bring about so different results? Have we lost the ability to dream and to inspire? Or is it that what we are dreaming about not what was intended. As if to say, they are glad that we do dream, but does it have to be about champaigne bottles and material goods?

Personally, I feel that we are dreamers who dream a myriad of visions. That being the African-Americans that we are, that we are indeed NOT monolithic in vision nor lifestyle, our dreams vary from one person to the next. Sometimes the changes can be a s profound as the dream itself. But the changes can also be a miniscule as say the persons in the dream. "Just place my face over his"(c) S. Carter

Still, I feel that those who follow their dreams and get recognized and congratulated by the larger groups for making their dreams come true coming out from the Black community are somehow the ones who are just doing what Mr. carter said. In that those who are dreaming and being awarded accolades, are only dreaming similar dreams in regards to their peers. That those who we say are living their dreams are all dreaming the same thing. In the larger sense they are being recognized and those who dream otherwise are not being recognized as prominent by the masses.

One has to seriously ask about those who dream different dreams, what comes of them. As Hansberry asked, does it shrivel up like a raisin in the sun? If not recognized and encouraged to fight and to subsequently live that dream, than the answer is indeed yes. Although strides have been made to secure the pursuit of happiness and to live out our lives the way they SHOULD be, there is still an outside force present that is dictating to US how we should live them! We cannot depend on those who may say that they have our interests in their hearts or on their minds to help us solely in pursuing our dreams. Our visions. No, that is too one sided and not very grounded. That will only lead to more despair than fulfillment. More tribulations than triumph. More apathy than inspiration. What we must do is harvest those dreams ourselves by our own hands. With the help of those who SAY that they share our interests.

Because if they truly do have OUR interests, than they should not have a problem in US dictating what we want from our dreams to become reality.


Eddie and Walt were onto something

"Aw, we`ve been around
And I've had a lot of loves
And I know you had a lot of loves, too
But I ain`t never had nobody
that do the things you do"

-"Forever Mine" by The O'Jays

Why is it a problem for some folks to believe and accept that by the time that you reach a certain age, that sexually, you are NOT going to be their "first"? Even after 25 years of age, I find it hard to believe that somebody would have had less than 10 partners. If I hear that come out of a chick's mouth, I'm quickly asking for some salt.

The world would be a better place if we changed our views on prior sexual relationships and accepted people for the fallable individuals that we are. I read somewhere that love is not about recognizing the perfect person, but rather loving the imperfect person perfectly. I cannot trust somebody who has not made mistakes in their lives. It is because that in order to take a chance, you have to be prepared to accept failure as an outcome. Not that you welcome it(failure) with open arms, but that you know that it may loom behind Door #1. Its alright to be careful, but it is nerve racking to be TOO careful, ya understand?

What's worse is that you come across those folks who only listen to the chorus Stevie's "When I Fall In Love(Next Time It'll Be Forever)" having never been in love ONCE!!! Fuckin' dreamers and prudes, I tell you!!! Holding on to a belief that is antiquated and not practical. Let alone, something that really does not bear any fruit whatso ever! It is a travesty to hold on too strongly to the belief that the first person you share post-coital sweat with is the same person you say "I do" to. You think I'm bitter now, imagine how mentally unstable I would be had I said this to MY first....

So that is why I accept people for who they are. If I feel them, then I feel them. its not a whole lot to ponder or worry about. Especially since I know I'm only human and have made mistakes in my life. In obliging so, it would just make Rachelle Ferrell and Will Downing's "Nothing Has Ever Felt" THAT MORE meaningful because "Lord knows that unlike you, I'm not perfect"....

We should not place a premium on those who are batting 1.000 in the game of love. Chances are, they got a lucky swing and never let go. I'd rather have the person who got dumped over the email server or spent textbook money on some fool who is not even thinking about what lies ahead 3 years down the road. Them people that have been burned by romance, who accept that love at times can hurt like hell, are the ones we should embrace. Largely because they have the wisdom to know that true love takes blood sweat and tears to find, catch, and maintain.

Sunday, October 16, 2005



4th of July weekend I was at home in Chicago like always. Visiting family and friends, taking in The Taste of Chicago(The Taste) and just having fun altogether. I hook up with some friends in town and some who came in from out-of-town to do some celebrating. I hook up with my guy Sean who is in from Montgomery, AL. Dee, Monifah, and Dara who came up from ATL. My guy Eric from Richmond, VA and the rest of my Chi-town folks(Ave(ry), Terri, Donnie, Sam, Raina, Mike, Jason, IllWill, and a host of others.

We all meet up at Sam's crib in "Boys' Town". Boys' Town is the gay neighborhood on the North Side. being a South Sider, sometimes you don't know where Boys' Town is exactly. let alone where it starts/ends. For all I know, I could have been in lincoln park or Mid-town for the matter. but I saw some rainbow flags on the main thoroughfares, so i'm guessing that I was in Boys' Town. It was definately the North Side because there wasn't anywhere to park either!!! We meet at Sam's and its a nice dig. he's got 2 other roommates and they seem cool. They bounce and do their thing while everybody else in my crew files in to the spot.

Once everybody gets there, we decide to hit up this once club downtown because they will be shooting an episode of "Punk'd". Its no problem because 2 of the guys in my entourage works at this said club and have no qualms or beliefs that none of us will be rejected. Should have seen this coming as though most of us are not "beautiful people" nor are we pop culture members. Except for jason, we were all Black, hip-hop/BoHo types. Black counter culture, if you will. Most of us don't have on the proper clothes that meet most of the dress codes in any club. Mike had to run Dee to his house, to find some clothes that would come clothes to "acceptable"....

Now while all this is going on jason, breaks out his fresh new batch of weed brownies. Jason loves to please and is one hella weed smoker. two things that don't happen too often, but are great when they do! I'm asthmatic and he knows this, so he likes me to be around whenever he has his brownies because then we can get high together without the sounds of me imitating Biggie on "Ready To Die"!!! I have one. You can never have two because his shit is hella potent. I get my one and move like its nothing. Another thing about Jason's weed brownies is that you don't even taste the weed in them....

We all partake and bounce to this club. While in line we meet up again with Mike and Dee who has on this daishiki looking white shirt with an Ankh across the chest. i immediately began to think that this was used in a weddding for boho black folks. And surely enough, it was!!! We're all in line chillin and shooting the shit when we come to the realization that we ain't getting in. The club is on some "Studio 54" shit and some of us start thinking alternatively about the night's plans. Then comes the idea of hitting the strip clubs. Which looking back, seems to play a significant part of my nightlife whenever I do it big! we can't think of any that we all like(guys and girls included). So Ave comes up with the idea of just hitting a bar.

So we hit up The South Loop Club/Bar right across the street from Jones HS. Its also righ across the street from a Homeless Shelter that has panhandling bums 25/8/367. Its a sight to see folks purposely ignore the bums and folks there, because they don't want to give money. But we hit up The South Loop because, hey, its good times in that mu'fucka!!! Keep in mind that Jason's brownie has not taken effect on me yet.

So we get there. Its me, Ave, Terri, Donnie, Mike and Dara. We decide to take tequila shots. I'm a soldier. I've been hooked on tequila snce I made a trip to SoCal back in '01 with Donnie. Double shots of Jose Cuervo were done for 4 days straight while in "El "Lay"....Why stop doing that when the location changes, right? So we order to take double shots of tequila. Awww right!!!! We do one! BAM! No problems! We all some drunkards too, so we are (((FOCUSED))) on these shots. We do round number two. BAM!! No problems.

its a packed night so we take our time getting the next round ordered and delivered. All the while, after round two I'm starting to feel funny. My stomach is hella mad at me. For something i wasn't aware of. Kinda like an immature adult..... Then it hits me: my dumbass INGESTED weed and had 4 shots of likka right after. no waiting for the weed to digest or let the effects happen before I drink. Oh no....Not me! I did it pretty much back to back! So lets commence the suffering and sickness.

I begin to feel queasy. My stomach is bubbling and churning. My head is down on the table. Right in front of me is another shot of tequila. Ave is lloking at me worried. Donnie is also. They're my boys so of course they know when I ain't right. I get some energy up and head to the bathroom. I'm feeling not only sick and shit, but my ass is getting sleepy. Which is what happens whenever I take one of jason's weed brownies. I make it to the bathroom and plant myself near the toilet witing to see if I throw up. I don't and I stand there for about 15 minutes.


I piss.

Still no throwing up.

So i head back to the table and cats is taking down another round of tequila. they also got me some cheese sticks to see if I had swalloed those to see if that would settle down my stomach. I couldn't even eat those!!! Y'all don't know how much I love cheese sticks. I just lay my head back down and rest. Attempt to rest, really. A few minutes later peeps decide that we should bounce and get me home. But they wanted to wait for that first upchuck to happen, ya know! they keep asking if I'm alright and stuff. When i get to second "notice" that I might need to make it to the bathroom, I bounce! I get to the toilet and just bawl....

Think about that one scene in "The Exorcist".

Yeah, keep thinking about it, because it took a while to get it out!

To go along with all this, the effects from the brownie are hitting me hella hard. I'm tired. I can't think. My body is slow in reacting. I lose strength to stand. Not a very good combination to have at this time. But it happens. My legs give out. I'm on the floor on my knees. Still doing my re-enactment from that movie. My mind said "Fuck it..." to my aim and to any regard to what I had on. I couldn't even control my mouth. It just stayed open while all of this is going on! but then the inconceivable happens.....


What the fuck? This shit ain't never happen to me before! i usually have better control than this! but then again, how often do i partake of Jason's weed brownies? Mmmm, about as often as them ciccadas come around. So this was definatley unchartered waters for me. Here i am, on my knees in front of a toilet. Bodily fluids all over my chest and mouth. All over the toilet. And I'm out!!!!

Ave had to come and get me from the men's room and with the help of one of the bouncers drag me out to his truck. They propped me up against the wall while Terri and Mike made sure that I didn't choke or fall out(again). Ave comes thru with his truck and has me in the front seat, with my head sticking out of the window. We are zooming down Michicagn avenue at 3:30 in the morning!!! Luckily, I didn't throw up again that night. Oh man, I was literally SHIT-FACED!!

I called up Ave and Donnie just to see if my mind didn't remember any other mishaps(like fucking a fat bitch). Thank gawd, they said that it was the extent of my troubles placed on them that night.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Julie Gianni- Part Two

So in continuing my diatribe about "Julie Gianni"........

A fuck buddy is that somebody that is on your level, but not compatible across the board. There are a few areas in their personality that you just can't deal with. They are not "right" but they are "right now". Practically, you just want to have a continuing one night stand for several weeks or months. They are that canteen of water you carry while looking for the bigger body of freshwater. I dunno. You should get the point by now.

Where they enter "Julie Gianni" stages is when they develope feelings that cannot be reciprocated. They get srpung. They can't get enough of you. They want to see "you", but you're emotionally unavailable because, well, you're not trying to be in a relationship. Somehow they miss the possibility that you're not trying to be in one and hence you've cut off your emotional access entrances. But this drives them further into delusion. Its patheitc now that you see these "Giannis"(plural) trying to convince the other party that the two are meant for each other.

All the while the other party is looking for *that* one and much to the dismay of "Julie Gianni", this does not bode well. Mainly because "Julie Gianni" feels that they are the best thing since sliced bread, and that nobody else is right for you. Even this mope of a new thing, who is firmly and calmy inside their skin has caught your attention.

I've been "Julie Gianni". Not for long because my big bro schooled me on such matters of rehabilitation. But for those who are not privy to such sage advice, I'm here to help. With only a few more sentences.....

Just cause you beautiful and s/he beautiful doesn't necessarilly mean that Y'ALL beautiful. Honestly, y'all could get together and have all shit the fan. One of y'all could pull and Marcus Graham and have a thing against crusty feet or night time facial masks. In the end, y'all can get together and make some godforsaken ugly ass'd babies that you don't want to acknowledge!!! You really do have to take into account that something is not working, and both of y'all should just move on.

Besides, buses come every 15 minutes and The Game does not wait for NOBODY!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Julie Gianni ass-type chicks

A few years back me and the big bro were talking about "Vanilla Sky" and its varied themes and the acting and all that good shit. He liked how cameron Diaz played her character(Julianna Gianni) since he knew a few chicks like that from his days in college. he couldn't help but blurt out randomly the infamous line from the suicide scene("I swallowed your cum!!!") the rest of the day. I knew where he was coming/going but that was years ago. I didn't fully appreciate it until recently. Mainly because I had never really experienced it and understood it subtle nuances to laugh even harder with big bro.

But now I am wiser and and have experienced such a phenomenom that is "A Julie Gianni".... It is quite disheartening and from an emotionally detached standpoint, quite pathetic to see and be witness to. However, that is life and one should be prepared for such experiences.

The whole premise is that a Julie Gianni is what happens when a fuck buddy goes bad. Feelings get caught and un-reciprocated. Its not gender specific, its just my point of view on things being hetero. But anyways, here she is, a beautiful woman, desired by most and the guy she is with is her male equivalent. They kicked it. They never really went out because, they were just having sex with no strings attached, at least that is what he thought. But as the story progresses, we soon find out that some feelings were being developed and not returned. HERS! She sees that dude is now attracted to somebody else.

Somebody, not really thought of as being as "hot like me". Gimpish would be a cruel word to use. But hey, Julie Gianni would use it to describe the new chick. The new chick might not have the glamour. The attention grabbing, outwardly drawn in savoire-faire like her. the new chick floats under the radar. She can be, and at times is, comfortable with who she is and has a steady hand in what it is she is trying to do. That whole calm boat in a stormy seas thing. Jesus could even be inside of her commanding "Peace, be still". Which is something that Julie Gianni lacks and cannot fathom that this is quite possibly why her beau is attracted to such a thing.

Monday, October 10, 2005


I need to step up this aspect of my conversational skills. I used to be some what good at it. But then, I started feeling like I wasn't getting anything back as far as compliments. Even worse, those who I did give compliments to, felt as though they were entitled to even more(read: favors) from me because they mis-read the compliments as being flirtatious. Some times, the results of such complmentary spoken words led to both positive and negative misunderstandings. Which in the end fucked it up for me and led me to my "sabbatical" from being a charming practitioner of conversation.

I admit, at times I was being flirtatious. However, as being a charmer, it should be standard policy(and procedure) that one should not expect anything in return or jest once a compliment has been spoken to another party. For flirting only begins when a few compliments have been exchanged between two parties. That is the starter kit. This is where I will be beginning in my pursuit of bettering my conversational skills.

I have no problems trying to work a smile out of a woman(young and old). Even at my job, I will charm the male customers with a joke or witty observation. I've been doing it for months. But now I need to actively build up my skills to be "on point" no matter the person or arena. Ultimately, I want to be known as a wonderful and CHARMING man who has a good sense of conversation and is well-read. All this I hope will be accomplished by the time I leave CoMO!!!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

On: Interracial RelationSHIT

Have you ever asked a black woman/gurrl/girl this question:

If you found out that a guy that you liked, had dated/fucked a White/Asian/Latina/Non-Black woman before, would he become LESS attractive you?

Do it!

Remember Nike's trademark motto....

F'rill, conduct a random poll and hear the answers you'll get. Chances are, there will be more reason to scratch head about the logic practiced by the female species after you hear the reasoning behind their answers. I can't understand it(again)!!! Guys are different. No doubt. Not too many bros. see a chick as less attractive if she's dated somebody outside of their race. Personally, I'm happy for them in that they tried something different. They ventured out to experience something (possibly) different. They may have had mixed feelings about the experience, but I can NOT knock them for trying.


I love y'all. But damn if y'all be on some shit sometimes!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

For all those against B.T.P.U.

(Beat The Pussy Up)

I had an email dialogue with a female friend of mine and she shared her thoughts about talking dirty before/during/after sex. One particular comment caught my attention in regards to my beliefs on B.T.P.U.

I tend to accompany dirty talk with bite/lick combinations. I find myself doing it moreso when I start to hear noise from the guy. A nigga get real cocky then: "This pussy feel good huh?" "Fuck this pussy like it's yours" "give me that dick." Mostly something that makes obvious how bad I want the dick or any combination of "pussy" and "daddy" in order to hype him up into fucking me like I want to be fucked. I whisper and urge him to do the same because I like being able to hear how wet my shit is when he's inside. My whispering in unison with that sticky sound you hear when you're stirring macaroni and cheese all conspire to make me even more horny...then there's no other choice but doggy.

If she's happy, then I'm happy.......