Shooting the shit like I did at the BCC from those couches

Sunday, October 09, 2005

On: Interracial RelationSHIT

Have you ever asked a black woman/gurrl/girl this question:

If you found out that a guy that you liked, had dated/fucked a White/Asian/Latina/Non-Black woman before, would he become LESS attractive you?

Do it!

Remember Nike's trademark motto....

F'rill, conduct a random poll and hear the answers you'll get. Chances are, there will be more reason to scratch head about the logic practiced by the female species after you hear the reasoning behind their answers. I can't understand it(again)!!! Guys are different. No doubt. Not too many bros. see a chick as less attractive if she's dated somebody outside of their race. Personally, I'm happy for them in that they tried something different. They ventured out to experience something (possibly) different. They may have had mixed feelings about the experience, but I can NOT knock them for trying.


I love y'all. But damn if y'all be on some shit sometimes!

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