Shooting the shit like I did at the BCC from those couches

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Eddie and Walt were onto something

"Aw, we`ve been around
And I've had a lot of loves
And I know you had a lot of loves, too
But I ain`t never had nobody
that do the things you do"

-"Forever Mine" by The O'Jays

Why is it a problem for some folks to believe and accept that by the time that you reach a certain age, that sexually, you are NOT going to be their "first"? Even after 25 years of age, I find it hard to believe that somebody would have had less than 10 partners. If I hear that come out of a chick's mouth, I'm quickly asking for some salt.

The world would be a better place if we changed our views on prior sexual relationships and accepted people for the fallable individuals that we are. I read somewhere that love is not about recognizing the perfect person, but rather loving the imperfect person perfectly. I cannot trust somebody who has not made mistakes in their lives. It is because that in order to take a chance, you have to be prepared to accept failure as an outcome. Not that you welcome it(failure) with open arms, but that you know that it may loom behind Door #1. Its alright to be careful, but it is nerve racking to be TOO careful, ya understand?

What's worse is that you come across those folks who only listen to the chorus Stevie's "When I Fall In Love(Next Time It'll Be Forever)" having never been in love ONCE!!! Fuckin' dreamers and prudes, I tell you!!! Holding on to a belief that is antiquated and not practical. Let alone, something that really does not bear any fruit whatso ever! It is a travesty to hold on too strongly to the belief that the first person you share post-coital sweat with is the same person you say "I do" to. You think I'm bitter now, imagine how mentally unstable I would be had I said this to MY first....

So that is why I accept people for who they are. If I feel them, then I feel them. its not a whole lot to ponder or worry about. Especially since I know I'm only human and have made mistakes in my life. In obliging so, it would just make Rachelle Ferrell and Will Downing's "Nothing Has Ever Felt" THAT MORE meaningful because "Lord knows that unlike you, I'm not perfect"....

We should not place a premium on those who are batting 1.000 in the game of love. Chances are, they got a lucky swing and never let go. I'd rather have the person who got dumped over the email server or spent textbook money on some fool who is not even thinking about what lies ahead 3 years down the road. Them people that have been burned by romance, who accept that love at times can hurt like hell, are the ones we should embrace. Largely because they have the wisdom to know that true love takes blood sweat and tears to find, catch, and maintain.

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