Shooting the shit like I did at the BCC from those couches

Thursday, March 30, 2006

How I Spent my Spring Break '06

In jail!!!!

This goes down as the worst Spring Break ever. It can't get no lower. I have to end this right here. I need to get into the workforce NOW just so I don't have the opportunity to have similar experiences with this Spring Break business. Except for NSBE conferences, most of my Spring Breaks have been *meh...* or *Blegh...*

There has never been a Florida or Texas for me during Spring Break. Shit, Biggie died during my first one! That should have been a sign right there that NGCCOT(No Good Can Come Of This)!!! I feel rotten. Bad. Horrible.

Jail is not the place for me. I do not have the mental fortitude to survive that place. And I was only there overnight. Now, I REALLY want classes to start back up!!!