Shooting the shit like I did at the BCC from those couches

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Please, pardon me...

Last week I met a young woman that was aggressive in wanting to engage in conversation with a man, a guy, a suitor, any XY chromosome nearby while she was out and about. It was at a lounge for Buppies and the music was lackluster. The DJ was not paying attention and was pretty much "dialing it in". I hate these types. They get their laptops and just play from a list and fail to set the right mood. They do that "NYC style of DJing" where one would play 30 seconds of a song before moving on to the next cut. On top of that, its not mixed-in or blended from song to song. Its like the DJ double clicks on the next tune after 30 or 45 seconds. With this in mind, its rather hard to be a patron in such a place, wishing to groove throughout the night but can't because the DJ done skipped to the next tune rather abruptly.

Back to the lovely Miss.

I casually made a remark to her about something that happened within our respective views. It was an ice-breaker of sorts. Something one would do when WANTING to meet a complete stranger. Not something formal and cold like "Hi! What's your name?". No, more like something that disarms and is warmer that includes both parties that they can relate to like an event or a commonly shared experience that recently happened. I WAS going to leave my comment at that. But as I began to walk away, she grabbed my arm to pull me back towards her. She's strong! She was slightly upset that I was about to walk away. I apologized and told her that I wasn't looking for anything else. Just that I wanted to make sure that I witnessed the same thing that she had seen.

She goes on to confess to me that she's 1) from South Texas, 2) misses being approached by men(and thus engaging in conversation), and 3) has no problems surviving a Chicago winter. I laughed and chatted her up some more. I found out some other things about her and her interests as well. Standard line of questioning for me when going through introductions. We exchanged cell #s and went our seperate ways. There wasn't a need on my part to go any further. I'm a sucker for entertaining and engaging conversation, so I was happy with the encounter ended.

I'd like to say that what transcribed was quite welcoming. I really don't come across women here who boldy make such moves, especially after such a minimal effort on my part just to lighten up the mood. I usually chalk it up to my lack of savoire faire....I need to work on that! Thinking about this made me remember the Chaka Khan song up top. About the women who have the moxie and gumption to talk to a guy, a stranger, without having any hang-ups about the results that will soon follow. It really does speak of an innocence that some have lost where we overthink things that we want to do, and thus fail to act on a simple impulse. Which in Chaka's case, a percolating desire to find out if said subject is some one she knows from her past that she can't stop staring at without knowing if it is them. Even if she comes across as being rude for staring, she will politely tell him she's sorry for doing so. Just in the same way as the lady did in my story, she didn't mean to be rude, she was just reacting on an impulse to see something through. Being rude was not the intended goal, but just an unitended side effect that should not be held on to for more than 30 seconds.

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