Shooting the shit like I did at the BCC from those couches

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Shit happens......

I had the worst week ever last week!

All kinds of shit hit the fan(Dog, Human, Whale, etc.) and I barely made it out with my sanity intact. Fortunately, the reason why I did make it out was because of my friends, and those positive individuals that I encounter, being around me. And as luck would have it, one of my best friends was already on his way down(for something else) when things got hectic. Great timing indeed. My firends are those people who allow me to step back from situations and see the bigger picture. This happens when they offer their observations and criticisms on the situation from their perspectives.

We all don't always agree on the same things. Nor do we all participate in the same things regularly. However we all know adversity and struggle in various forms and incarnations. So when one of us is down on our luck, we can all group together and see that person through the quagmire that is life. Not necessarily carrying and ferrying each other, but offering hope and sage advice. Even a hand or three in case the odds dictate so. And for that, is why I am always grerqatful for my peoples!

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