Shooting the shit like I did at the BCC from those couches

Thursday, December 22, 2005

My New Year's Resolution

We have in the past, have always been able to rise to the occassion presented to us by the circumstances. Whether those occassions were positive or negative, and sometimes they were out to destroy us. We look at this moment in powerless times. On the international scene and here at home. We don't know exactly what the next step civilization itself is going to take. But what we do know is that it will take that next step. And on the basis of what we have done in the past, and the basis of how we do it, I'm calling on my own people to reach back and to part one more time. To come out with that mojo, and that Brer Rabbit, and the magic...

What we need now is a new way to be "Black". A new way to apply all that we have learned from the past. And right now, there is a lot of spinning around and bunping into each other. Its night and we don't see very clearly. And alot of things are happening with which we don't thoroughly understand. But as time goes by, we will pick up the beat. We will catch the keynote. Then, we will put our own instruments to our lips and add to the symphony. And I'm sure that our addition will change the whole thing for the better.

I can't wait to be as black in the 21st Century as I was in the 20th!!!
-Ossie Davis(1917-2005)

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