Shooting the shit like I did at the BCC from those couches

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Attraction vs Seeking

On a few occasions, people have wondered what types of women do I attract and who am I attracted to. I attract chicks that have "nothing to lose" and I am attracted to chicks...

There is no other way I can explain the latter.

I really don't put forth my qualities that attract women without my initiating "the dance". I usualy play it cool and stay reserved to the point where I can observe and see how somebody is when interacting with others. Yeah, I scout the talent. If I see somebody I like I make my entrance with a conversation starter-like comment. Or I see to it that I spend a little bit more time around that person to do some more observations in the future. Look, some people can be free with it others, such as myself, have to have more of a gameplan!

I don't go for "perfection" or a set-in-stone standard of qualities. One by one, I find a quality that I like or a persoanlity trait that I find to be interesting, and go from there. I have my likes and preferrences(a butt, eyeglasses worn every now and then, a sense of humor, etc.) but even those aren't always what draws me to women. It could be other traits not often associated or used primarily for attracting men that will pull me closer to you. Rather it is something that piques interest. I don't usually find it interesting that a girl just goes to class and studies. I do that too, and that shit is not very interesting.

You can't look at my dating history and see a blatant pattern. I like to believe that you really have to search to find a common theme in my dating partners. I like to think that I approach things in relationships as building from the ground up using one thing, trying to see if there is another, and another, and another item to build on top of the prior one. It doesn't always work.

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