Shooting the shit like I did at the BCC from those couches

Tuesday, July 05, 2011


Initial Questionnaire

1) Are you from the Chicago area?
How long have you been living here as an adult?

2) What neighborhood(s) have you lived in?
Have you paid cash or beer can to have your snow removed?

3) Did you graduate from college?
The same one that you started your freshman year?
How many exes were members of a BGLO?

4) Are you currently employed?
Is it in the same field that your degree is in?
Have you finished paying off your student loans?
Have seriously considered stripping or gigolo services to pay them?

5) When was the last time you had a checkup from a physician?
Do you have coverage?
Can you show proof of a clean bill of health?
Are you diabetic(the sugar)?
Have you ever consulted Maury Povich to determine paternity?

6) Are you renting or owning your current place of residence?
Any roommates?
Do they get down for the cause?
Can you fold a fitted sheet?
Have you ever ironed silk boxer briefs?

7) Do you know how to cook?
Do you know the difference between a spice and an herb?
Has any family member gotten sick from or refused to eat your food?
Are you accepting being required to cook no side dishes at all?

8) Do you have a passport?
Aside from Mexico and the Caribbean, where else have you gone?
Where would you like to go?
Have you met Dexter St. Jacques?

9) What kind of music do you listen to?
Been to any concerts?
Know anybody in the band/group?
How many times have you met “Bill Bixby”?

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