Shooting the shit like I did at the BCC from those couches

Wednesday, July 06, 2011


Seduction happens when two people attempt to lure the other across an imaginary line that has been pre-determined by society at large that they should not cross. Much like a few biblical characers and other assorted historical figures, power can come into play. But in regards to seduction, this power is not based on some social position held by one of the parties involved to take advantage of the other. Seduction in its simplest form is moreso an extension of self-esteem that which is geared toward finding it's limits. Searching to find its sphere of influence in persons not yet analyzed. Even further, it can be a stance against a social norm. And, given how long us humans have been on this planet, there are plenty of these taboos floating around to flirt with by exerting our wills.

For me, seduction is alot like a confidence game in that I want to see how persuasive I can be to someone that just might be more apt in this field than I am. There is a curiosity to know how far the boundaries extend in our relationship. Not just romantically, but also platonically, too! What kind of agreement are we trying to make here? Seeing as though Men and Women cannot be friends unless the question of attraction is answered, well, I'm going to search for that answer before we continue this bottle of rum or wax poetic about Tarkanian's amoeba defense.

In the long run, Seduction should be mutually beneficial to both parties that are involved. It is a shared experience of joy and ecstasy that should in the end have both parties feeling a satisfactory level of fulfillment. For it wouldn't be Seduction if the end result is one party feeling used or unsatisfied.

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